Skin In The Game

“Sometimes you meet someone who could change your life. Sometimes you feel that possibility. The sense that the ground beneath you is more like a trampoline. That you may able to – with this new person – create things more beautiful and useful, more fantastic and more real, than you ever could before”

– Joshua Shenk from the book “Powers of Two”


It was 1989 and I was struggling to grow my fledgling disaster restoration company.  I’d started with a shoestring budget, had no college degree and no real business experience.  Just that hunger to build a business and too stubborn to give in.

My mother in law recommended I attend a business seminar where I met Patricia McDade.  She was to be my coach for the next seventeen years, helping me grow my company into a regional powerhouse with 5 offices and over 200 employees and $24M a year in sales.

Fast forward to 2010. I had sold my company to a national franchise and after a few years of awkwardly pursuing new ventures, none of them really lighting me up, I got a phone call from an old colleague.  “I’m trying to take my business to the next level and I know you’ve “been there and done that” with your company … will you coach me?”

As I pondered his request, I realized what I loved most about leading a company and being a CEO was the joy of coaching another human being to produce results they had no idea they were even capable of. To watch that light go on in someones eyes, to see them transcend their limitations and take effective action on what matters most to them, was and is my greatest passion.

I took my friend up on his offer, and I’ve been coaching ever since.

Relentless and committed are two words I would describe in what’s it like to work with Kevin.  He has an amazing talent to get to the heart of whatever I’m working with. Once I tell him what I want he just doesn’t let up. That level of commitment to me as a client means I move my business forward every time we meet.

Nicole Gruen

CEO, The Linked Team